for young ENTs
High -level education in Otology
Otology Class is a group of European ENT surgeons offering education in otology and some lateral skull base. For this meeting the focus will be on Young ENT ear surgeons and their needs.
Providing easy accessible education
The aim of our group is providing easy accessible education for all ENT trainee’s and ENT surgeons. To ensure this goal we like to offer close-to-home and afforable education. The teachers of Otology Class think it is important to educate in an interactive setting, a good mix of teaching and time for answering questions of the participants. Bringing your own cases will be promoted.
Started in 2012
Otology Class started in 2012 as an idea of Paul Merkus and Maurizio Falcioni. Since then several European cities have hosted the course. If you like to see an impression of those courses go to the History pages.
The teachers of the first courses have built the program and the friendly ‘soul’ of the course.
Date and Place
February, 9th – 10th 2024
Rector Building Hall
Avenida de Cervantes, 2
Paseo del Parque
29016, Málaga

PhD. Md. Rafael Urquiza
Málaga, Spain

PhD. Md. Paul Merkus
Amsterdam, Netherlands

PhD. Md. Maurizio Falcioni
Parma, Italy

PhD. Md. Thomas Somers
Antwerp, Belgium

Md. Antonio Hernández
Málaga, Spain

Md. Jorge Salmerón
Barcelona, Spain

PhD. Md. Thomas Linder
Luzern, Switzerland

PhD. Md. Maurizio Barbara
Rome, Italy
The program will be presented in an interactive setting, a good mix of teaching and time for answering questions of the participants. Bringing your own cases will be promoted. The Quiz is one of the great moments of the course, your moment of fame: will you win a prize?
- 8:30-9:00 – Registration
- 9:00-9:05 – Welcome & Introduction, Urquiza & Merkus
- 9:05-9:40 – Surgical Anatomy, Falcioni
- 9:40-10:20 – Radiology: CT and MIR, Salmerón & Hernández
- 10:20-10:50 – Coffee break
- 10:50-11:30 – Otologic diagnosis, Falcioni
- 11:30-12:30 – TM perforations and Miringoplasty, Linder
- 12:30-13:30 – Lunch
- 13:30-14:10 – Ossiculoplasty, Merkus
- 14:10-14:50 – Otosclerosis, Somers
- 14:50-15:50 – Cases: Middle ear videos
- Exostosis, Linder
- Myringoplasty, Hernández
- Ossicoloplasty (interposition), Falcioni
- Ossiculoplasty (cement), Somers
- Stapedotomy, Merkus
- 15:50-16:20 – Group Photo & Coffee Break
- 16:20-16:50 – Bone conduction hearing aids, Linder
- 16:50-17:20 – Implantable Hearing Devices, Barbara
- 17:20-18:00 – Moderator: Residents, Bring your case!
- 18:00 – Closing remarks day 1
21:00h Course Dinner at Yamur Restaurant
- 9:00-9:20 – Cholesteatoma introduction and surgical principles, Merkus
- 9:20-9:40 – Cholesteatoma case with discussion of endoscopy, Hernández
- 9:40-10:00 – Cholesteatoma obliteration case, Somers
- 10:00-10:20 – Cholesteatoma open cavity case, Falcioni
- 10:20-10.40 – Subtotal petrosectomy -Linder
- 10:40-11:10 – Coffee break
- 11:10-11:30 – Surgery for Ménière and semi-circular canal dehiscence, Somers
- 11:30-12:0 – Cochlear implantation, Merkus
- 12:00-12:30 – Complications, Falcioni
- 12:30-13:30 – Quiz!
- 13:30 – Closing Remarks and Farewell – Urquiza & Merkus


Registration and information
Md. Paloma Rosas Marqués
Thechnical Secretary, MIORL Courses
+34 660 273 378
